This is by far the most common complaint about the map, whether you had a mod conflict, or didn’t start your savegame with the mod, you’ve probably been frustrated when your barns won’t autoload bales. Editing a savegame sounds really complicated, but it’s really not, I’ll show you how to fix your autoload barns in seven steps.
Step 1. Locate your savegame folder, in most cases it’s in Documents/My Games/Farming Simulator 19 and then there will be about 20 folders with each of your savegame numbers, find yours.

Step 2. Locate your items.xml, this file is where your savegame saves all of your placeable, pallet, and bale data.

Step 3. Confirm that your bale barns are missing, use CTRL + F to run a search for bale_barn
Step 4. Scroll to the bottom, and go up one line from </items>, and press Enter to put a new line between the last line, and the one above it. Take note of the id=”number” of the last line, you’ll need it.

Step 5. Paste the code from the code block below into that gap, change the id=”number” of each to be one above the last one, so if your last one was 999, your next one will be 1000, and then 1001, and so on.
<item className="FS19_Bale_Barn.ObjectStorage" id="21" modName="FS19_Bale_Barn" filename="$moddir$FS19_Bale_Barn/AO_Red_Barn.xml" position="319.1880 125.0690 223.4870" rotation="0.0000 0.0000 0.0000" age="0" price="35000.000000" farmId="15" boughtWithFarmland="true" seasonsYears="0.000000">
<animatedObject time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<objectStorage type="SQUAREBALES">
<storageArea fillType="DRYGRASS_WINDROW" numObjects="0" defaultFillLevel="4000"/>
<storageArea fillType="STRAW" numObjects="0" defaultFillLevel="4000"/>
<item className="FS19_Bale_Barn.ObjectStorage" id="23" modName="FS19_Bale_Barn" filename="$moddir$FS19_Bale_Barn/AO_Main_Barn.xml" position="-91.7450 132.8020 -226.0370" rotation="0.0000 0.0000 0.0000" age="0" price="35000.000000" farmId="15" boughtWithFarmland="true" seasonsYears="0.000000">
<objectStorage type="SQUAREBALES">
<storageArea fillType="DRYGRASS_WINDROW" numObjects="0" defaultFillLevel="4000"/>
<storageArea fillType="STRAW" numObjects="0" defaultFillLevel="4000"/>
<item className="FS19_Bale_Barn.ObjectStorage" id="34" modName="FS19_Bale_Barn" filename="$moddir$FS19_Bale_Barn/AO_Grey_Barn.xml" position="-300.2410 132.8020 225.5000" rotation="0.0000 0.0000 0.0000" age="0" price="35000.000000" farmId="15" boughtWithFarmland="true" seasonsYears="0.000000">
<animatedObject time="0.000000" direction="0"/>
<objectStorage type="SQUAREBALES">
<storageArea fillType="DRYGRASS_WINDROW" numObjects="0" defaultFillLevel="4000"/>
<storageArea fillType="STRAW" numObjects="0" defaultFillLevel="4000"/>

Step 6. For every barn that you owned, you need to change farmId=”15″ to farmId=”1″ if you are in singleplayer, if you are in multiplayer, you’ll need to reference your farms.xml to know which farm is which number.

Step 7. Save, load up the game, don’t forget to check the DFMEP Bale Barns mod. You should be good to go after that.
AO_Red_Barn = Small Tie Stall
AO_Main_Barn = Main Farm Tie Stall
AO_Grey_Barn = Beef Farm Barn
The map wont install on my fs19 what can it be
Did you unzip the map and drag the individual mods inside of the ZIP into your mods folder?
hey i cant get the blowers to hook up to the silos on the main dairy farm
Are you using manual attach?
how do you spread the corn stalk bales in animal pens?
I have tried with all of the ingame bale shredders but nothing works.
Drop the bale into the pen, if I get a chance, I will take a bunch of shredders and add corn stalks and bean straw as an option to them. I can also make a tutorial on how to edit them as well, if you’re comfortable with editing an XML.
ok thank you
FS19_AutumnOaks_DFMEP” filename=”$moddir$FS19_AutumnOaks_DFMEP/buypoints/liquidFertilizer/liquidTank2.xml” position=”-837.5470 131.6460 30.5140″ rotation=”0.0000 0.0000 0.0000″ age=”0″ price=”0.000000″ farmId=”0″ mapBoundId=”LiquidFert” boughtWithFarmland=”false” seasonsYears=”0.000000″/>
Is on the bottom for me
Somewhere right before what you copied is the ID number you need to look for to setup your balebarn lines.
i tried the fix and it didn’t work. so i tried making a new game as a new farmer in case it was something similar to the bunker problem and it still didn’t work. a tried a third time with only the necessary DMFEP, maize plus, and seasons mods. still got nothing. any ideas?
It sounds like you aren’t activating the bale barns mod or the version you have is the one from Mercer.
double checked it and i had the right one active. tried deleting all the autumn oaks mods and re downloading and installing them. same problem.