Autumn Oaks: DFMEP version The Crop Update

After working on and off on this update for the last few months, I have finally got it where I want it, while a lot of ideas for new features were scrapped in the interest of getting the update done, that doesn’t mean that I haven’t put a lot of effort into making the map experience better. The main focus of this update was changes to crops, visually and in gameplay, seed usage, and crop textures have both been updated, as well as numerous bug fixes.

While I never kept a good list of bugs that were fixed in this update, I think that I have fixed all of the reported bugs with the map, including the issue with the bunker for some users starting a new savegame(for an existing savegame, click here), the manure spawn for the freestall, and the ability to sell cornstalk and bean straw bales. Straw usage has been tripled to bring it back to where it should be to match maps without cornstalks and bean straw.

Finally an optional feature to make the map more realistic is an edit of the Realistic Seeder mod, which separates the seed for every crop into it’s own seed type. I have added narrow beans and silage corn to it previously, but for this update I have also added refillable seed totes, the ability to buy partial pallets, and Appalaches Modding tossed in a bulk fertilizer bag. The prices are set to be realistic to what I could find on Google, as well.

NOTE: The edited Realistic Seeder is in the “optional” folder, if you wish to use it, you must copy it from that folder and put it into your mods folder.

Various options to buy seed with the realistic seeder
New crop textures for wheat, barley, and oats
Refillable totes
New silage corn textures

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