Farming Simulator 22 Placeables 60×120′ Machine Shed A Large North American Cold Storage Shed Small Shop A North American Shop with an Office and Cold Storage Cow Shed A Common Beef Farm Setup in the American Midwest Grain Bins Two Sizes, Two Unload Options, Four Brands of Grain Bins Hay Shed Pack 40×60′ Hays Sheds in a Variety of Colours Silage Pad Pack 4 Different Sizes of Silage Pads Small Mineral Feed Bin Storage for Mineral Feed Fermenting Silos Various sizes of Vertical Fermenting Silos Placeable TMR Mixing Silos A TMR Mixer Setup for the JMF Dairy Barn JMF Dairy Barn A Large Tie Stall Barn Autoload Bale Barn A basic autoload bale barn that functions without custom scripts Four Bay Commodity Shed A Well Made Commodity Shed from Western Iowa Modding & Edits SilverShield 7,000 Bu. Grain Bin An Old School Grain Bin 42×24 Garage A Three Bay Garage with Woodshop Above 48×26 Hay Loft A Hayloft with Ground Level Storage 58×50 Shop A Shop/Cold Storage Combination for Small Scale Operations 90×38 Dairy An Old School Dairy Barn with Modern Amenities, Be Sure to Read the Description on the Page for Instruction! Meridian Buy Point Silos A Placeable Buy Point for Lime, Fertilizer, and Seed Cake Bin Pack Overhead Feed Storage Commodity and Mixing Shed Pack Great for Producing Large Amounts of TMR Manure Sell Point Sell Manure Here 55×115 Cold Storage Shed A Simple Midwest Style Shed Hog Confinement Barn The Most Detailed North American Hog Barn Ever Made for Farming Simulator Feed Mill Great for Producing Pig Feed for the Hog Confinement Barn Placeable Feed Lot Midwestern Style Feedlot 24 Foot Utility Shed Midwestern Style Open Face Shed Large Commodities Building Massive Four Bay Commodity Shed North American Shed Pack Two Quonset Huts and a Pole shed Crop Inputs Co-operative Co-Op Building Placeables for Seed, Fertilizer, and Liquid Chemicals Meridian Grain Bin Pack 32 different placeable bins for your farm Dyersville Dairy Barn A Classic Tie Stall Barn JMF Shop A Small Workshop JMF Freestall Barn A small freestall intended for heifers LAC BTO Freestall Monoslope A Massive Beef Monoslope Barn Midwest Feedlot Pack Modular Placeable Feedlot Pack Cattle Barn Beef Cattle Pasture with Barn Fence Pack Midwest Style Fences Hay Storage Pack Autoload Storage Sheds Hoop Barn Modern storage for your farm International 355 Pressure Washer An old school pressure washer for your farm 24′ and 27′ Grain Bins 1980s style grain bins, available in multiple sizes. 55×74′ Machine Shed A small machine shed. Small Calf Barn A barn for your calves Steer/Heifer Barn A barn for your steers or heifers Block Silos Various sizes of placeable concrete silos Traditional American Shop Various sizes of placeable concrete silos 85×70 Butler Shed A small placeable shed BTO Freestall Monoslope A large feedlot style barn 40×120 Implement Shed A small implement shed BTO Commodity Shed Pack A pack of commodity sheds, with one bay functioning as a silage pit. Small Gestation Barn A small pig setup. Dirt Farm Shop A small shop Implement Sheds Pack Large open bay implement sheds 62×60 Shed A small two bay shop